A downloadable game for Windows

2D Roguelike Dungeon Crawler with "culinary" inspirations for Pizza Jam.

Play as Nacho Jr., son of the lost sheriff Nacho Sr. As acting sheriff, you'll need to battle "rooms" of "outlaws" as you search for your father and attempt to restore light in the land of Seweria.

Inspired by The Binding Of Isaac, each level is represented as a randomly generated floor, and each room is a prison until all enemies are defeated. The goal is to defeat the boss of each floor without dying, with random drops and shop rooms assisting you as you attempt to reach the final floor.

By Stylianos Maimaris, Nathaniel Kinnis and Pascal Schovanez 


seweria-nachos-tale-windows.zip 505 MB
Version 6 81 days ago

Install instructions

The game is made using Unreal Engine 5, so its possible a warning message will show up requiring Visual C++ to be installed before playing.

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